Pain Management

7 Common Causes of Back Pain

7 Common Causes of Back Pain

Back pain can be caused by a variety of different factors. Sometimes it’s the result of an injury, but other times it can be more difficult to pinpoint. The following are seven common causes of back pain that you may want to consider if you’re trying to figure out why your back is hurting:

1. Strenuous workout

These can include direct trauma to the back or sudden movements. It could also be caused by twisting, bending, heavy lifting, and other movements that strain the muscles in your back. This is especially true if you are not using the proper techniques when carrying out these tasks. When it comes to injury, one should always use their best judgment as to whether they should keep moving or stop and rest.

To prevent injuries, it is best that you warm up before workouts with stretching exercises, breathing techniques, dynamic stretches, and light cardio. This way, you can avoid injury in the long run. Try to use proper form when carrying out strenuous tasks like heavy lifting to reduce the risk of injuring your back.

Lastly, be sure to get enough sleep and rest your body to avoid injuries. This will allow the muscles to repair themselves after strenuous workouts.

2. Bad Posture

This is one of the most overlooked causes of back pain since people are usually focused on how they look rather than their overall health. Let’s face it; bad posture can make you look unattractive. But it is not just a physical problem since having bad posture can lead to chronic back pain if not corrected over time. For example, people who stand or sit with their shoulders hunched forward for long periods of time may end up with chronic neck and upper back issues.

Bad posture does not only affect the back. It can also contribute to muscle fatigue, digestive problems, joint stiffness, and blood flow issues which can lead to other health problems if left untreated over time.

This is why it is important that you maintain proper posture to keep your body in top shape. Here are some tips on how you can improve your posture: – Keep your chin parallel to the floor.

– Draw your shoulders back and keep them back.

– Walk with a straight back.

– When standing, keep your feet shoulder-width apart with weight on both feet evenly.

– Sit up straight in chairs with both feet flat on the ground, knees at a 90° angle or less.

3. Heavy or Bulky Luggage

Carrying heavy or bulky bags can be a common cause of back pain. It is important to use the right form when carrying such luggage to prevent possible injury.

– For heavy and bulky luggage, lift using your legs, not your back. Bend your knees and tighten your stomach before picking up the bag. – Avoid twisting your back while carrying a heavy bag.

– If possible, try to get someone to help you with the bag or use a cart when carrying such luggage.

4. Herniated Disc

A herniated (or slipped) disc in the lower back can also cause pain in the back and leg. It is usually caused by a sudden injury brought about by lifting heavy objects improperly or doing too much strenuous physical activity without warming up properly. In this condition, the soft cushion between two vertebrae moves out of place and presses on the nerve, which may cause pain in the lower back or the leg.

Non-surgical options can treat a herniated disc like: –

Stretching exercises – this helps lengthen the spine and promote flexibility to reduce strain.

Use of icepacks – this helps reduce swelling that may cause pain.

Over-the-counter medications or prescribed medications to manage pain.

Visiting a clinic for pain management in Omaha, NE, can also help you overcome herniated disc pain. They use various techniques like Trigger Point Injection Treatment Procedure and more.

5. Poor Sleeping Positions

It is not just lying on your back that can cause pain in the back. Lying on your side can also strain the muscles and ligaments of the lower back if you sleep like this for long hours. This is because these sleeping positions exert pressure on certain parts of the back, which may cause strain and discomfort.

If you want to prevent lower back pain when sleeping, be sure to sleep on your side with knees drawn up slightly or lie on your stomach with a pillow under your belly. You can also use specially designed pillows that can accommodate the natural curve of the spine by lifting it higher than usual so that the lower back is not affected by pressure (those with adjustable or removable filling can also help).

6. Stress

Stress is one of the leading causes of back pain. When you are stressed, your body releases hormones that can have both short-term and long-term effects on your health. For example, stress can increase muscle tension which in turn results in back pain. Stress also reduces the body’s immunity to fight diseases or infections, which may cause pain in the muscles or joints when not treated right away.

To prevent stress, you need to do things that can help you relax and unwind like exercising, getting adequate sleep, meditating, listening to music, laughing more often, spending time with family and friends, practicing yoga or Pilate’s routines (that focus on improving flexibility), taking hot baths, or eating warm soup.

7. Weak Back Muscles

Sometimes, people opt to ignore their back pain because it only comes and goes. But what they do not realize is that by strengthening the muscles in your back, you will reduce the risk of having such pain. To strengthen your back muscles, you can do exercises like: –

Alternate arm and leg lifts – this exercise helps in strengthening the muscles across the lower back.

Back-extension exercises – these help in strengthening upper and mid-back muscles.

Oblique crunches – these work the side abdominal muscles which are attached to the lower spine.

These are just seven common causes; there are many more. More than 52 million adults suffer from the stiffness and pain of arthritis as well in their back. If you are experiencing extreme pain over a prolonged period of time, it’s highly recommended to visit a professional for back pain in Omaha.

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