
5 Tips to Prevent Blurred Vision


Clear vision can help you to enjoy the beauty of the world. A blurred vision may create a lot of problems for you, making you more prone to accidents. It is important to protect your eyes and prevent having blurred vision.

There can be many causes of blurred vision. Some examples of common causes are:

  • near-sightedness, far-sightedness, or astigmatism
  • abrasions to the cornea
  • age-related macular degeneration
  • cataracts
  • chronic dry eyes
  • corneal opacification, or scarring
  • infectious retinitis
  • migraine
  • retinopathy, such as diabetic retinopathy
  • stroke
  • trauma or injury to the eyes

However, there are some things you can do to protect your eyes. Here are 5 tips on how you can prevent blurred vision:

Wear Sunglasses

Sunglasses are not just a fashion statement, they have benefits for your eyes too. A proper pair of sunglasses provide protection against the sun’s UV rays, which could lead to cataracts and blurred vision. Remember to put on a pair of sunglasses when you are driving to cut down on harmful glare!

Healthy Diet

A healthy diet can help you to keep fit and protect your eyes at the same time. The leafy greens like spinach and kale, contain antioxidant lutein that is beneficial for your eyes. You can get your Vitamin A from carrots, sweet potatoes, and liver. Mix these ingredients together with some salad sauce and you are good to go!

Avoid Touching Your Eyes

There are a lot of bacteria on our hands so avoid touching your eyes with your unclean hands. Make sure you wash your hands before you put on your contact lenses. Bring a bottle of eyedrops with you wherever you go so the next time when you are tempted to rub your eyes, you can apply some eyedrops instead.

Avoid Looking at the Screen for a Prolonged Period

Screen time often leads to blurred vision, dry eyes and eye strain. It may be inevitable for you to stare at your computer screen for a long time during working hours. Hence, take intermittent breaks away from your screen and get out of the office to go for a short walk to give your eyes a break.

Check Your Eyes Regularly

Your blurred vision is a sign that you should seek professional help and consult an eye specialist. If your blurred vision is due to hyperopia, myopia or astigmatism, you may need to get a new pair of glasses prescribed to you!

Check your eyes regularly to stay focus in life and say goodbye to blurred vision!

Ava Eye Clinic provides premium eye care specialist services. We have eye specialists with high volume clinical experience in managing general as well as subspecialised eye conditions.

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