Health Care

7 Common Types of Oral Surgeries


Sometimes, dental issues may extend beyond cavities and plaque on your teeth. In some cases, you may need to go through oral surgeries to fix your dental problems completely.

Here are some of the common oral surgeries that your dentist might recommend to you and why they are essential.

Wisdom Teeth Removal

Some of us grow up with wisdom teeth and have no problems at all, but for others, this is not the case.

In some situations, wisdom teeth may be trapped or misaligned, pushing against neighbouring teeth while attempting to grow. The position of wisdom teeth when growing like this will build up pressure in your gums and on the other teeth nearby.

Your wisdom teeth could be painful for this reason and could lead to your other teeth becoming misaligned if left alone.

As such, your dentist may suggest wisdom teeth removal to minimise the possible damage should these negative symptoms appear.

Jaw Realignment Surgery

Your jaws could be misaligned for various reasons, but the common reasons would include physical trauma like a car accident. A misaligned jaw can cause difficulties in chewing, swallowing, or even breathing in severe cases.

While considered a complicated procedure, clients who went through with a jaw realignment surgery as advised by their dentists could see an improvement in their sleep quality and speech clarity as a bonus.

Dental Implants

Dental implants are long-term solutions for synthetic teeth. While it is a long process that can take over several months to complete, the result is teeth that do not have to be taken out or replaced.

For this procedure, your dentist will extract the affected teeth and insert metal rods into your jawbones before placing your new prosthetic teeth over the rods.

Dental implants may be a more viable solution for your teeth if you are looking for a more permanent solution to missing teeth.

Sleep Apnea Treatment

Sleep apnea is a condition where a person’s natural breathing rhythm is disrupted by a partially blocked airway, sometimes even when you are in a deep sleep.

Symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring and fatigue after sleeping. In some cases, oral surgery could be recommended by your doctor.

Your dentist will then remove excess tissue from the back of your throat to clear the airway for smoother breathing. The symptoms should significantly reduce post-operation.

Tooth Extraction

While most tooth extraction procedures will go smoothly, certain conditions may cause complications for your extraction. Issues such as severe tooth decay, infection, or tooth damage may complicate the process.

With oral surgery, you can be sure that any affected teeth can be extracted safely, and any underlying problems will be dealt with as well.

Bone Grafting

If you are looking for a permanent dental implant, there is a small chance that your dentist would advise you to go for bone grafting first.

Due to certain dental conditions that lead to deteriorating jaw bone tissues, there may be insufficient bone to work with for the implantation.

After the bone grafting procedure, the patients can then start the process for implanting oral prosthetics in the newly-added jaw bone.


Usually, when you have an infected tooth, the dentist will prescribe some antibiotics to get rid of the infection first before suggesting a root canal procedure.

In some cases, however, root canal procedures are not proving to be efficient enough. As such, your dentist may refer you to an oral surgeon for this procedure.

When you undergo an apicoectomy, your oral surgeon will remove the tip of your tooth root and fill the space with a synthetic substance. This surgery stops any tooth decay from progressing further.

Afterwards, your oral surgeon can also consider inserting an implant in its spot.

There we go, seven common types of oral surgery. None are much fun but often necessary.


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