
Importance of Birth Control Literacy


Birth control literacy helps a couple as they learn more about having children and their sexual health. If you are looking for experts in birth control, you can search for terms such as Phoenix birth control near you. The gynecologists will educate you on the importance of family planning; read on why you should use birth control methods.

You Will Have Children When You Want

Contraception allows you to put off childbearing until you are ready. Most young people are likely to develop pregnancy-related risks as their bodies might not be developed well to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Birth control reduces the need to have unwanted pregnancies and abortions, which contribute to maternal deaths.

It Reduces Teenage Pregnancy

It is known that older teenagers are likely to engage in sexual activities when they are not ready to have children. Contraception can reduce the implications of pregnancies on their ambitions and relationships. Moreover, it prevents risks a baby would face if they were born to a young mother. For instance, babies born to young mothers are most likely to be underweight and at risk of neonatal mortality.

Helps with Spacing

Children born close together are at risk of infant mortality; couples are more likely to have poorly timed pregnancies without contraception. Moreover, the spacing allows the couple to gather vital resources for childcare before and after they are born. Better health care and modern contraception methods have contributed to improved childcare.

Deals with Hormonal Imbalance

Women who use hormonal contraceptives might not have ovulation which reduces the pain and cramps during ovulation. Contraceptives also reduce painful periods as it helps reduce hormonal imbalances. Moreover, it can banish hormonal acne, which is caused by hormonal fluctuation. The hormonal birth control contraception minimizes the hormonal fluctuations making it the most effective acne fighters.

Reduces the Risk of Uterine Cancer

Hormonal birth control might have long-term effects on women as it is likely to reduce ovarian cysts and uterine cancer. The effects might last for more than 20 years after the woman stops using the pill. Contraception reduces ovulation which is a key factor in the formation of ovarian cysts. The hormones could also stop the former cysts from re-growing and reduce symptoms of PCOS.

Relieve Women from Premenstrual Syndrome

Hormonal birth control can reduce the emotional and physical changes that women experience a week before their periods due to hormonal fluctuations. It can heal the more emotional and psychological symptoms of PMS, which are often hard to treat; however, you might need to use different birth control options to find one that works better for your PMS symptoms. 

Population Pressures

Most developed countries have slowed population growth due to the use of contraception. Low population growth puts less pressure on the environment, economy, and services such as education and health. Governments that promote the use of contraceptives are more likely to have meaningful developments and improved living standards.

The Bottom Line

Birth control literacy is key for a healthy population as it helps determine better child-spacing and enables couples to have children when they are ready. Hormonal contraception could also deal with health issues associated with hormonal fluctuations and better health for the mothers. Moreover, it leads to slow population growth, contributing to economic development as the government would use the surplus resources to steer key development issues.

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