
Preserve and Protect Your Natural Tooth’s Health with Root Canal Treatment in California


Once your tooth’s interior pulp is infected and starts to decay, a root canal procedure is the best and most effective way to remove the affected tissue, protect, and seal your tooth from more damage. An endodontist, Dr. Sean Fahid of Couture Smiles Dental Group, offers the most comfortable and comprehensive root canal treatment in Woodland Hills and the greater California area. If you want to preserve and protect the health of your natural teeth, reach out to their office through mobile or use the online scheduling tool to book a consultation today.

What Is the Significance of a Root Canal?

Once your tooth gets irritated, swollen, or infected, the compassionate and caring dental specialists at Couture Smiles Dental Group might recommend you for a root canal treatment. A root canal procedure is an endodontic treatment, which is extensively performed by Dr. Fahid- an endodontist who is highly skilled and experienced in treating tooth nerves and the dental pulp. A root canal procedure is recommended if the tooth has a crack, trauma, chip, deep decay, or other factors leading to damage and infection in the tooth nerves and pulp.

A root canal treatment is vital because it helps patients avoid more extensive damage that might develop if the seriously injured or infected tooth is left untreated. If left untreated, the infected tooth may result in abscesses, adverse pain, bone loss surrounding the tooth, and swelling in the face.

If you experience a severe toothache, darkening in the tooth, pimples, swelling in your gums, or extreme tooth sensitivity, you might require a root canal procedure. Dental specialists Dr. Fahid and Dr. Gordon encourage patients across California to reach out to them to evaluate whether they are the right candidate for a root canal treatment or to schedule an appointment.

What to Expect During a Root Canal Treatment?

During your visit at Couture Smiles Dental Group, the providers extract the infected tissue, clean your tooth, and fill it using medicated material. After which, they seal your tooth to avoid any more decay or bacteria from building in your tooth’s interior. To restore your tooth’s structure and functionality, these dental specialists seal it with a crown or dental filling, which offers additional support and strength.

Is a Root Canal Procedure Painful?

Even though root canal procedures are known for being painful, innovative dental technology and anesthesia techniques have significantly alleviated the discomfort associated with this treatment. Often, you will not feel anything except for minor pressure during your treatment with slight tenderness for a day or two following your procedure.

In conclusion, Couture Smiles Dental Group takes a multidisciplinary approach to ensure patients receive holistic dental care. The providers are welcoming new and existing patients from all walks of life and ages to their practice. If you experience tooth sensitivity or severe toothache, it is likely because of an infection inside the tooth. Request an appointment today with Couture Smiles Dental Group for an evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment.

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