
6 Types of Mental Health Illnesses and Issues


Mental health conditions affect people of all stages in life and age. It involves people in countless ways, from stress to major psychological disorders. Huntington Beach mental health services help patients take control of their lives.

What issues fall under mental health services?

Mental health illness is a general term for several diseases that include symptoms that affect patients’ thinking, mood, perception, and behavior.  Mental illness and stress are complicated, but stress worsens mental illness episodes. Mental illness and mental health issues include:

  1. Anxiety disorders

Anxiety disorders are a collection of mental health issues that include social phobias, post-traumatic stress disorder, panic disorders, and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). If an anxiety disorder is not treated, it can lead to vital impairments in patients’ daily lives.

An anxiety disorder may cause clinical depression and social isolation and impair a person’s working ability and routine activities. It may affect relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. 

  1. Behavioral and emotional disorders in children

Some children have challenging and problematic behaviors that are outside the custom of their age. The specific behavior disorders include conduct disorder, oppositional defiant disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. These disorders share common symptoms, making diagnosis time consuming and challenging.

Post-traumatic stress disorder is a mental condition activated by a terrifying event, either witnessing it or experiencing it. Its symptoms include nightmares, uncontrollable thoughts, severe anxiety, and flashbacks of the event. Many people who share traumatic events have temporary problems adjusting and coping; they can get better with good self-care—getting active treatment after PTSD can be helpful to do away with symptoms and improve function. Having supportive relatives and colleagues can help you from turning to drugs or other harmful behaviors to cope with PTSD.

  1. Depression

Depression is a disorder characterized by lowered mood, reduced energy, and loss of enjoyment and interest. Symptoms of depression vary from levels of severity and depression-related symptoms. Depression affects people’s feelings, behaviors, and thinking. Depression is a severe illness with a high risk of suicide and self-harm.  The sooner a depressed person seeks treatment, the faster the recovery.

  1. Addiction

Addiction is a brain condition that is caused by substance use in spite of its harmful consequence. People with substance use disorder (SUD) have misleading thoughts, body functions, and behavior. These substances cause adverse changes in brain areas related to decision making, judgment, behavior control, memory, and learning.

  1. Psychosis

People who have psychosis can experience hallucinations, confused thinking, and delusions. Psychosis occurs in mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, drug-induced psychosis, and mood disorders. Hallucination can lead to hostility, frustration, distress, and agitation.

  1. Eating disorders

Eating disorders are a mental condition that affects people of all genders, age groups, cultures, and backgrounds. The most common risks of eating disorders are dieting, body dissatisfaction and depression. Getting professional support and help from friends is essential.

Genesis New Beginning provides therapy forms including one-on-one therapy, group therapy, suicide therapy, and family therapy to help in the recovery of people with mental health conditions. If you want to learn about mental health services, including counseling and treatment, please book an appointment with Genesis New Beginning. 

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