
7 Reasons You Should Get Dysport Injections

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Botox and Dysport rank among the top 10 most well-known US cosmetics procedures. Dysport injections are minimally invasive modern treatments that use the impressive power of ABO neurotoxins to reduce the visibility of wrinkles and fine lines. Additionally, Dysport injections are a fast and healthy way of restoring your younger look. Let’s look at the seven reasons you should get your Dysport injections at Las Vegas Botox and fillers.

 What is Dysport?

Dysport is an injection that contains neurotoxins referred to as ABO. This ABO neurotoxin functions by temporarily lowering your muscle activity and blocking off nerve communication near the injection region. Furthermore, it helps relax your body muscles and, in turn, smooths your skin to leave you with young and radiant skin.

Benefits of Dysport

There are many benefits associated with choosing Dysport injections. Although each patient is different from the other, some of the common key benefits associated with this type of treatment include:

1. Safe

The ABO will be directly injected into your skin in small doses during the treatment. Each Dysport injection contains 0.05 milliliters of the ABO neurotoxin or less. It is the recommended amount to enhance muscle relaxation without causing any negative side effects to your muscles and skin.

2. Non-Invasive Treatment

Dysport injections are generally non-invasive because the ABO neurotoxin will be inserted directly into the muscle of the region affected. This allows you to achieve optimal results without necessarily getting any incisions into your skin tissues. Moreover, the recovery period is quite short.

3. Effective Results

You are more likely to see the results within three days of the injection. Moreover, these results will be noticeable for a maximum of 3-4 months before the second Dysport injection is administered. There are very few treatments available that can provide the same effective results as Dysport injections.

4. Convenience

Dysport treatments are very convenient as they can be performed in-office with your healthcare provider. In fact, the treatment only lasts for a maximum of 20 minutes, eliminating the need to spend long periods of time in the hospital and allowing you to resume your day-to-day activities.

5. Natural Results

Unlike other modern treatments, Dysport injections allow your face and neck muscles to relax naturally. This treatment also allows you to smile, frown, and laugh naturally without wrinkles or fine lines appearing.

6. Relatively Affordable

Since this treatment only requires you to receive between 3-4 treatments in a year to make real change, Dysport injections are generally cost-friendly. Moreover, it is an affordable and reliable option to maintain a natural appearance and prevent the formation of wrinkles and fine lines.

7. Effective Where Botox Has Failed

Botox injections become less effective with continued use as your body naturally breaks down these toxins before they affect your body. Dysport injections are the most reliable alternative because they often contain fewer amounts of proteins, hence your body is much less likely to create an immune response to the ABO neurotoxin.

Are you hoping for smoother, radiant, and more youthful skin? Visit us at Modern Wellness Clinic to receive your Dysport® injections. We offer quick and effective injectable wrinkle reducers that work best for the overall health of your skin. For more information about the Dysport injections, book a consultation online or call the office in Las Vegas, Nevada, today.

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