
Comprehensive Colon Cancer Screening In Lima, Ohio


Your 50th birthday is a benchmark in multiple ways. To begin with, it illustrates that you should begin getting regular screening for colon cancer.  Dr. Ven Kottapalli, MD, CNSP, and the expert medical team at GI Physicians Inc. ensure that you receive the most comfortable and convenient colon cancer screening possible. If you are past 50 years and are yet to receive a colon cancer screening in the last decade, get in touch with Lima colon cancer screening specialists at GI Physicians Inc. today through mobile or request a consultation online.

What Is the Significance of Colon Cancer Screening?

Colon cancer comes third in the ranks of the most commonly diagnosed type of cancer in the US, exempting skin cancers. Every year, it’s responsible for more than 50,000 fatalities. These statistics are especially alarming once you understand that colon cancer develops slowly. For people with an average risk of developing colon cancer, receiving screenings at least once every ten years is enough.

When To Get Colon Cancer Screening?

About 90% of people who are diagnosed with colon cancer are past the age of  50. Thus, GI Physicians Inc. specialists advise you to start receiving colon cancer screenings once you are above 50. As highlighted above, if you are at average risk of colon cancer, getting a screening once per decade is enough. It’s easy to remember your next screening as it will correspond with your milestone birthday.

However, if you are at higher risk of developing colon cancer, it’s recommendable you begin receiving screening earlier and get tested often. The risk factors for colon cancer include obesity, smoking, family history of colon cancer, living a sedentary lifestyle, heavy, regular alcohol consumption, being Jewish or African-American, a diet rich in fried food, processed meat, and red meat. Schedule an initial consultation with your provider at GI Physicians Inc., and he/she will develop a customized colon cancer appointment that’s unique to your particular risk factors.

What To Expect During Colon Cancer Screening?

The most effective way of screening for colon cancer is through a colonoscopy. During this exam, your specialist uses a colonoscopy, a long, thin tube with an attached camera to its end. By inserting the colonoscope into your rectum into the patient’s colon, you can look for polyps.

Even though polyps don’t usually develop into colon cancer, they might. Once your provider notices the polyps, he/she biopsy them for testing to establish if they contain cancerous cells. Developing colon cancer in the earlier stages gives you a heightened chance of treating it effectively. 

Testimonials & Reviews

GI Physicians Inc. values and appreciates reviews from their valued patients. To date, the practice boasts a 4.84 out of 5 stars based on 56 collected reviews. To see what other people are saying about the practice, visit their website.

In conclusion, the dedicated, experienced team at GI Physicians Inc. takes an individualized patient care approach. If you are 50 years or more, stay proactive about your health and wellness by scheduling a colon cancer screening at their office through mobile or book online.

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