
Comprehensive Oral Care in California


Wisdom teeth are the last set of molars that emerge at the back of your mouth and might cause complications if they fail to emerge correctly. To prevent the issues associated with wisdom teeth for instance, gum disease, infections, or tooth decay, reach out to Orange Coast Dental Specialty for extraction of your wisdom teeth in Huntington Beach, California.

Under the leadership of Arman Dayan, DDS, the dental specialists at the facility are highly experienced in offering professional care. They are welcoming patients of all ages and walks of life to their practice. Get started by calling Orange Coast Dental Specialty or go online today to request an appointment.

What Are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the upper and lower teeth on either side of your jaw at the extreme end of your mouth. These teeth are generally the last ones to emerge and mostly begin appearing during your late teens or early twenties. If your wisdom teeth fail to emerge correctly, it can affect the surrounding teeth.

Impacted wisdom teeth can have varying effects. The most prevalent symptoms of such teeth include bleeding gums, pain, pus in the back of your mouth, bad breath, swollen gums, and swelling around the jaw.

In case your wisdom teeth have emerged or are showing signs, it’s essential to request a consultation with Orange Coast Dental Specialty. Dr. Dayan and his team will perform an extensive assessment of your condition. The diagnosis is used in determining the most suitable treatment for you.

Which Dental Conditions Call For Wisdom Teeth Removal?

Wisdom teeth should be extracted if they cause dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, tooth infections, or crowding of teeth. To be sure that you require your wisdom teeth extracted, the dental specialists at Orange Coast Dental Specialty take X-ray scans of your jaw and mouth. These images reveal if your teeth are growing nicely or are angled, while highlighting any occurred damages. 

What to Expect with Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

The specialists at Orange Coast Dental Specialty administer nitrous oxide or any other sedation alternative before performing the wisdom teeth extraction procedure. This slight sedation works to ensure the procedure is entirely painless.

To do the extractions, Dr. Dayan uses an inventive surgical device known as the magnetic dental mallet. This innovative tool extracts the unwanted teeth or tooth non-traumatically, causing far less pain following surgery. It also enhances an accelerated healing process.

In case you want a separate tooth extracted for some reason, Orange Coast Dental Specialty uses this same instrument to perform the extraction. When undergoing a dental implants procedure, this method is also preferred in extracting the teeth or tooth as it promotes quick healing.  All in all, the providers at this practice offer an exceptional experience by using the magnetic dental mallet to perform extractions.

To sum up, Orange Coast Dental Specialty is a state-of-the-art dental healthcare facility serving the patients of Huntington Beach and the more extensive California area. The providers here are highly-skilled and experienced in a wide range of dental services. Do not let your wisdom teeth affect your general oral health. Prevent associated dental problems and enhance your overall wellness by scheduling an appointment for wisdom tooth extraction with Orange Coast Dental Specialty by calling the office or using the online scheduling tool.

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