
Fat Transfer: What It Is, the Pros and Cons, Ideal Candidates, and How It Is Done


Fat transfer is a fat grafting procedure that transfers excess fat from one part of your body, mainly the outer thighs, and injects it into body parts that lack volume. It is a safe and durable procedure that produces natural results. Every year, thousands of people get a successful procedure at Sandy Springs fat transfer. You may want to consider getting a fat transfer if you have some facial features that appear sunken and creased.

If you want more permanent correction than what you get from temporary fillers, you may also think of a fat transfer. It can also help if you want to rejuvenate your face and hands, breast reconstruction to get rid of control irregularities, hide signs of breast implants, and if you’re going to enhance your body contours or revise scars.

Pros and Cons of a Fat Transfer

One of the most significant advantages of a fat transfer is that it uses fat from your own body and all features, unlike other procedures that use foreign substances that can trigger allergic reactions. Additionally, you get more natural bend and longer-lasting results from a fat transfer. 

Another key advantage when considering fat transfer over its alternatives is that it is a non-invasive method that can help achieve facial rejuvenation, thus reducing the chances of developing inflammations and infections after the procedure.

On the downside, a fat transfer is more expensive with dermal fillers, and you may also require multiple sessions to achieve the desired results. It will help if you weigh both the advantages and disadvantages before settling for the procedure to ensure that you make the right decision.

Who Can Have a Fat Transfer?

The main reason for grafting is to fill in or augment areas lacking in volume. The commonly injected or grafted body parts include the face, hands, breast, buttocks, and skin parts with depressions. Before getting a fat transfer, you need to have a donor site from which a doctor will extract the fat. You should also have no circulation issues resulting from smoking or a medical condition.

How Is a Fat Transfer Procedure Done?

The procedure starts with harvesting fat from one of your body parts, after which it is washed and purified, and reinjected into the areas that could benefit from augmentation. Sometimes, you may have to repeat the procedure multiple times to get the results you desire. The whole process involves three stages. The first stage is harvesting, where both you and your surgeon choose a site to extract fat from. You may need a local anesthetic since the surgeon will create small incisions and the extraction site for liposuction.

After extracting the fat, the next stage is purification and transfer, where they place the fat cells into smaller syringes used to inject the fat into the desired location. The surgeon may use a centrifuge or the filtration process to purify fat. The final step is placement. During this stage, the surgeon will prepare the site of the injection and make small incisions through which they will insert a cannula or needle.

To summarize, a fat transfer is a procedure that extracts excess fat from one part of your body and injects it into another part of your body lacking in volume. Some of the benefits include long-lasting results and the autologous aspect. On the downside, it can be pretty expensive. You may need a fat transfer to augment body parts lacking in volume. It involves three stages.

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