
Fertility Assessments and Treatment Options to Assist Conception


A significant percentage of couples struggle with infertility and delayed conception. The inability to get pregnant can be frustrating and traumatic, making you desperate as you seek options to achieve your dreams of having children. The good news is, you can increase your conception chances with New York infertility treatments at Innovation Fertility Preservation and IVF. Thanks to technological advancements, there are various ways your gynecologist may help you with your fertility issues. However, not every treatment may work out for you. While some people might only need one treatment, others might need a combination of treatments to help them get pregnant.  

How will your doctor assess your infertility?

To determine your infertility, your healthcare provider will evaluate your health history, sex habits, sexual history (including how often you have sex), and the medications you take. Your gynecologist may also suggest a physical exam to check out if you ovulate regularly and if your ovaries produce and release eggs. The medical expert will then request blood samples to measure your hormone levels.

Other physical examinations include examining your uterus and ovaries with an ultrasound and a specific X-ray to look at your fallopian tubes. While a significant percentage of infertility issues in women result from either a problem with ovulation or blockage of fallopian tubes, the issue is mostly with sperm viability in men.

Other factors likely to contribute to your fertility complications include your age, lifestyle, and underlying health conditions.

What fertility treatments are you likely to go through?

When you have fertility complications, the type of treatment your doctor may recommend significantly depends on the root cause of your problem and the treatments the medical expert offers at the facility. The three primary types of fertility treatments include:

  • Medications
  • Assisted conception- includes the various procedures your gynecologist might recommend to enhance fertilization and help your fertilized egg attach to your uterine lining. 
  • Surgical procedures- the processes help investigate your fertility problems and how your doctor may help the situation.

Though medications can be effective, your doctor may suggest some minor surgical procedures to achieve success.  

How do fertility medications help increase your conception chances?

Most medications your doctor may recommend will help stimulate your ovaries into producing quality eggs. However, the medical expert might not recommend the treatment when you cannot explain your infertility. The prescription medications your healthcare provider is likely to suggest include gonadotrophins and clomifene. As you take the oral drugs, your gynecologist will be monitoring your ovulation to see that it happens as it should. The doctor may monitor your ovulation by using an ovulation predictor kit or tracking your cycle. Additionally, the gynecologist may request an ultrasound or blood test.  

Ovary stimulation is usually an option when you do not ovulate or if the ovulation is not regular. However, the medical professional will combine ovary stimulation with another fertility treatment to increase your conception chances.   

Infertility treatments take time. Therefore, it might need commitment from you and your partner. Additionally, the treatment your doctor may recommend will depend on your fertility problem and the root cause. Consult with your doctor to know the type of treatment that might best work for you to help achieve your parenthood dream. 

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