
Fluorescent Lights Can Lead to Chronic Headaches


Most people deal with headaches at some point in their lives. When headaches become chronic, individuals need to learn about their triggers so they can avoid them. One of the major triggers of migraines and other types of headaches is light. With this guide, individuals will learn how they can get rid of their light-induced headaches and feel much better.

Lighting Can Play a Role in Headache Development

Many people do not realize the lights in their homes can have a profound effect on causing headaches. Fluorescent lighting places a constant strain on the eyes, which can lead to headaches. Individuals can suffer from all types of headaches, including tension and cluster.

Artificial light can trigger some types of headaches in individuals. Lights may trigger headaches based on their brightness, intensity, or even their flickering. Fluorescent lighting is prone to flickering, and it happens so fast it sometimes cannot be noticed by individuals.

Headaches Cause Sensitivity to Light

Headaches can also cause sensitivity to light in some individuals. Light sensitivity makes overcoming certain types of headaches more difficult. It is important individuals learn about the different types of light-induced headaches so they can take the right precautions to protect themselves from the painful symptoms.

Types of Light-Induced Headaches

Headaches can be brought on by multiple triggers. When someone begins suffering from headaches, they need to be aware of what is causing them so they can make lifestyle changes that will help to reduce their occurrence. The following offers information on three types of light-induced headaches.

  • Cluster headaches often start behind one eye or one side of the head. This type of headache is less common than some other types. Cluster headaches can last for a few hours and may reoccur throughout the day.
  • Migraines are the most intense type of light-induced headache. According to the Migraine Research Foundation. around 39 million people suffer from migraine headaches. These headaches cause intense pain, typically on one side of the head. Sufferers can experience visual disturbances, numbness and tingling, and nausea and vomiting.
  • Tension headaches are one of the most common types of light-induced headaches. People who suffer from this type of headache often feel as if a band is being tightened around their heads and neck. Muscle tension, stress, and light can all cause tension headaches to develop.

How to Reduce Light-Induced Headaches

While headaches cannot always be prevented, there is a method individuals can use to reduce their occurrence. Some people get positive results from replacing their fluorescent lights with LED lights, but this does not work for everyone.

To get the best results, individuals should consider installing filters over their lights. These filters are made of heavy-duty materials and help to block the intensity of the light.

These filters are compatible with any type of light and can be cut to different sizes. Installing a filter is one of the best ways for individuals to prevent the pain of light-induced headaches so they can go about their lives more normally. Now is a perfect time to install these light filters.


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