
How Does Palate Expanders Work in Improving Your Smile?


 A good smile is worth showing; it is a form of love and kindness to the other person. It is also a representation of your oral health. However, not everyone is lucky to have an attractive smile due to different issues, including misaligned teeth and bites.

But, that should not stop you from achieving your desired smile. Orthodontics is here to help, including expanders in Leander. Ryan Pendleton, DDS at Pendleton Orthodontics, offers authentic and comprehensive orthodontic treatments to correct and improve your smile.

Call the practice today to learn how expanders can enhance your smile and restore your health.

What is a rapid palatal expander?

It is an orthodontic appliance that treats malocclusions or bad bites by increasing the upper jaw width gradually.

Rapid palatal expanders are highly effective during childhood and before puberty. Usually, during this time, the two halves that make up the upper jaw are in the process of joining and can be mouldable. The bones at this stage are also easy to separate and stabilize.

Rapid palatal expander treatment is easy and tolerable. The treatment produces impressive results while improving your bite and smile’s function and appearance.

What oral conditions does rapid palatal expander correct?

The rapid palatal expander increases the width of the upper jaw. Dr. Pendleton applies this technique in treating different conditions, including:

·         Crowded teeth

·         Crossbite, or a bite where the upper jaw cannot fit with the lower jaw

·         Narrow upper arch

·         Impacted teeth, or when a tooth hasn’t developed, another tooth blocks it.

You can also use rapid palatal expanders to improve breathing and broaden your smile.

How does a rapid palatal expander work?

Your provider at Pendleton Orthodontics makes an impression of your upper and lower jaw to design your rapid palatal expander. The expander is custom-made to fit over the top teeth at the back of your mouth. It consists of two metal halves cemented to your last upper molars and connected by a screw in the middle.

Dr. Pendleton then shows you how to turn the screw every day at home. Turning the screw helps generate tension at the intersection of the palatal bones. The pressure slowly moves the bones apart, increasing the width of the upper jaw.

You should achieve jaw expansion within two to four weeks, during the time where you will have regular check-up appointments with your provider at Pendleton Orthodontics to observe your progress.

After the jaw has reached its target width, your provider cements the screw to prevent further turning. The expander remains in that position for some other few months to allow your bones to stabilize and adapt to the new width.

Total treatment time for rapid palatal expanders takes about three to nine months. It is essential to floss and brush regularly during the treatment period, including lightly brushing the device edges to keep the food from collecting.

It would help if you took soft foods during the first few days of getting your expander. Then you can resume eating everyday foods.

Although palate expanders are highly effective in children, adults can also have them done with surgical intervention. Contact Pendleton Orthodontics today for further details.

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