
Self-help Tips to Manage Asthma Symptoms


Many people suffer from asthma disease and with the right care and treatment, those with the condition can lead normal, healthy lives. Self-care is vital to enable you to prevent an asthma attack as much as possible. It’s also important to know what to do if an attack were to happen. It’s possible that young people might not be aware of the seriousness of severe asthma, and might put themselves at risk through neglecting their self-care. With young people at a higher risk of suffering from an asthma attack, it’s good to educate yourself to help you enjoy a healthy lifestyle. It’s important to practice self-care to help you control your asthma symptoms and equip yourself with the knowledge of what to do in the event of an attack. Read on for top self-help tips to manage your early symptoms of asthma.

Manage exposure to allergens

One of the best things you can do to minimize allergic asthma symptoms is to manage your exposure to allergens. Dust, pollen, animal fur, or whatever triggers your breathing problems should be watched for and monitored. 

Avoid smoke

If you’re an asthma patient, smoking can heighten your asthma signs and symptoms and make them frequent. Smoking can lead to many serious health conditions and that’s why completely avoiding smoking is an important part of self-care. You should also avoid areas where you will be exposed to second-hand smoke. Inhaling the smoke of others can be just dangerous to your health.

Watch what you eat

Avoid foods that you know trigger allergies and also avoid foods that are high in sugar or fried fats. Both increase mucous secretion and thickening.

Change your air filters

In order to keep the air clean in your home, make sure to regularly clean or change your air filters. When they trap dust and distribute it around your home, it can cause breathing problems and trigger asthma symptoms.

Minimize dust

In addition to changing air filters, take further steps to minimize the dust in your home, workplace, or other areas where you spend significant amounts of time. A simple routine of dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning fabric surfaces can help prevent dust buildup. Don’t forget to wear a mask while cleaning to avoid inhaling the dust that gets kicked up in the process.

Avoid fragrance sprays

Besides dust, another major trigger of breathing problems is fragrance sprays. Perfumes, air fresheners, cleaning sprays, and other mists can cause many problems for your lungs and respiratory system, and they should generally be avoided for your comfort.

Prevent colds

Do whatever it takes to stay well. Avoid close contact with people who have a cold or the flu as catching it can worsen your asthma symptoms worse. Wash your hands well enough if you think someone with a respiratory infection might have touched.

In short, be aware of your triggers and symptoms of an asthma attack and act quickly if you spot that something is wrong. You can always make an appointment with asthma specialist in order to know the exact asthma causes. An expert homeopathic asthma doctor will evaluate your case history in detail in order to come up with customized asthma treatment plan.

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