
Things you should never do during a massage


Massage is undoubtedly a great way of relaxing and unwinding as you enjoy the bliss. However, to get the best out of it, it’s good you get ready with a few things and, most importantly, avoid others that may counter the effort. Avoiding such will make sure you reap the most out of the massage experience.

Think about lymphatic detox, stress reduction, improved breathing, and such.

Following are some of the things that therapists argue could be counterproductive.


Drinking water ensures your body is well hydrated, and even if you lose water during the massage process- you won’t feel the pressure so much.

But drinking alcohol is a no-no. Alcohol adds more toxins in your body, and therefore drinking before massage sessions will hinder you from achieving your goals. Getting tipsy may amplify the adverse effects of alcohol. Again, you will not feel the impact when you’re drunk, which will be like sinking your money.


Telling someone who’s been longing for the summer days is very tempting, but you should avoid it at least a day before your massage appointment. That will ensure you don’t get sunburns, which lead to sensitive skin. Your skin should be as intact as possible because there’s a lot of friction that comes with squeezing, and if you’ve sunburns, it may get fractured.

When ill

You may have booked your appointment when in good health, but a day before the say you get I’ll; you’d better put off to a day after you get well. If it’s an infection, massage can lead to its spread and therefore leading to more harm.

When you’re sick, you can’t enjoy the session even with the best massage therapy notes; you may not feel the effect. Doctors advise that you keep off such until you get well. Call your therapist for a reschedule- you need to do this at least some 24 hours before the appointment so that you don’t inconvenience the therapist.

Self groom

Most people feel uncomfortable because they’ve not shaved before the massage session. That should not be the case. You should not feel gussied up. No one cares about your hair or whether you’ve had a pedicure, and therefore you need to relax and enjoy the process.


Showering before the massage is a good thing, but the water shouldn’t be hot. Having water increases your body circulation and your chances of sweating. It’s therefore recommended that you have a warm shower. That will help you relax and enjoy.

Pretend you know

Massage is not something you want to take for granted. You’re not an expert, and therefore you must ask your therapist what it entails for preparations. Even before you get the therapist, you can also check out online for guides on massage. That helps you know what to expect during a massage.

Before you go for the massage session, you must consider a few things for better results. You only need to avoid some things and embrace others, and you’ve got a great experience in the hands of a massage therapist.


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