
Tips To Help Manage Fibroid Symptoms Before Seeking Treatment

Woman Stomach Ache

Fibroids are tumors that grow within the uterus. The tumors can cause painful symptoms. Some women with fibroids experience bloating, pain, urinary urgency, or menstrual changes. These symptoms can make your life difficult. Many women tend to think that the symptoms they are experiencing are normal. Some even fear getting treatment. If you are having symptoms such as pelvic pressure within the uterus or increased urinary frequency, you may want to see a specialist of uterine fibroids in Houston, TX for treatment. Before you get treatment, you may want to use these tips to manage fibroid symptoms.

Regular Exercise

Exercises can help increase your natural painkillers, endorphins. Try to incorporate exercise into your daily routine to ease the symptoms. Try exercises like swimming, jogging, aerobics, stretching, and yoga. These exercises will reduce cramping and help manage the pain you are experiencing. If you experience pain or discomfort when exercising, do not overdo it or push yourself so much.

Healthy Diet

Consider having a healthy diet including green vegetables, fruits, healthy dairy, and cruciferous vegetables. These foods can help reduce symptoms. You also want to avoid sugars because they have the opposite effect. For women experiencing lengthy or heavy periods, it is important to eat foods containing iron, as they help prevent the development of anemia. Foods rich in beta carotenes like spinach, carrots, and sweet potatoes also help relieve the symptoms. 

You may think that alcohol is going to offer you a numbing effect, however, it can worsen the symptoms. You should avoid alcohol to prevent frequent urination that can trigger pain.  Eating foods rich in fiber also helps reduce strain during bowel movements. Additionally, you can take vitamin D supplements as they help reduce the risk of developing fibroids.

Keep Hydrated

Drinking water can help reduce bloating. You may want to consume hot tea to help increase blood flow and relax cramped abdominal muscles. Hydration also helps with constipation and eases the symptoms of anemia. Avoid caffeine as it helps reduce pelvic pain as well as abdominal pressure. Eating foods rich in fiber helps relieve constipation.  You may also want to drink fresh juice to help hydrate your body.

Manage Blood Pressure

There is a link between fibroids and high blood pressure, so you want to manage your blood pressure in order to avoid fibroids. It will help improve the symptoms and enhance your health. Avoid situations that can increase your blood pressure like stress and anxiety. 

While these natural methods can help offer relief, it is still necessary that you seek treatment. Getting treatment will ensure that you eliminate the fibroids and get effective and lasting results. You can use over-the-counter medications, like naproxen and acetaminophen or ibuprofen, to help manage pain. These pain relievers will ensure that you can manage the pain you are experiencing. If you are considering taking supplements, it is essential you talk to your doctor first. Seeking a specialist experienced in diagnosing and treating fibroids will ensure that you address the problem in advance and prevent further complications. The doctor will discuss the treatment option available.

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