
Tips To Prevent Vaginal Dryness


The walls of a woman’s vagina are lubricated because of the glands. It is the glands that keep the vagina moist and supple. The moisture is a bit acidic in nature and that is why it keeps the vagina area safe and healthy from infections. When there is reduced moisture, it causes dryness of the vagina and mostly it is due to reduced estrogen levels. If you are persistently experiencing vaginal dryness and it’s causing lots of discomfort, you can see a specialist in vaginal revitalization in Midtown East for diagnosis and treatment.

While in some women, vaginal dryness may not be a concern; for others, it can affect their lives as it causes discomfort and pain during intercourse. Vaginal dryness may also increase the risk of having an infection. Below are ways to prevent vaginal dryness.

Use a cotton underwear

Wearing synthetic underwear may be clingy and could contribute to irritation of the vagina. These underwears may also restrict the flow of air. You may want to switch to cotton underwear as they tend to be breathable and provide enough airflow into the vagina. Your vagina needs to have good air circulation, and when you deprive it, it can become dry.

Regular sex

One solution to solving the vaginal dryness problem is to have an active sexual life. Blood flow to your vaginal tissues is elevated when you are aroused. This helps create moisture. Also, having sufficient foreplay and arousal before having intercourse can help reduce dryness while making sex a more pleasurable experience. These things help enhance vaginal moisture.

Eat foods with phytoestrogens

Phytoestrogens are compounds similar in function to the hormone estrogens. They are derived from foods such as nuts, tofu, and seeds. You may also get phytoestrogens from soy. These compounds help improve vaginal dryness as well as hot flashes, keeping the vagina moist.

Use a lubricant

You may want to use a lubricant during sex to help stimulate the vaginal tissue to release moisture. Ensure you use a recommended lubricant to prevent putting in substances that could worse the problem or create other vaginal issues.

Avoid scented soaps

You want to use unperformed soap to cleanse your vagina to avoid dryness. Hygiene products containing fragrances and dyes may also dry out the vaginal tissue. Your vagina has a natural self-cleansing mechanism, so it may not be necessary to apply fragrant soaps.  

The perfumes and chemicals contained in your regular soap or body washes tend to be too strong for the delicate intimate area. So you want to ensure you use a formulated wash designed to clean the vagina. Otherwise, you may want to leave the natural process to take its course of self-cleansing. You do not want to disrupt the pH balance of the vaginal area with perfumes.

Using these tips can help you reduce or prevent dryness of the vagina. If you continue experiencing dryness despite trying out these methods, see a doctor for an examination. There may be other causes contributing to the problem which need medical treatment. Otherwise, if the dryness does not create discomfort or pain, you may as well choose to live with it.

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