
Top Supplements for Busy Women


All of us are busy, with many of us women juggling jobs and children, side hustles and workouts, or substantial work projects while managing teams. We’ve got so much on our plates, and when we do, we start feeling rundown and exhausted. When that happens, we forget to take care of ourselves.

Fortunately, there are ways to get our nutrients for the day, even when we’re too busy to eat proper meals!. Supplements produced by reputable brands like Integrative Therapeutics from Supplement First have helped many of us consume the vitamins and minerals we need in a capsule!

Hold up: You don’t need to hoard all of the supplements! Here are the top supplements made for busy women.

1. B Complex

Stress is one of the inevitable and irritating symptoms we have to cope with during our busy lifestyles. While stress is normal, prolonged stress can destroy our bodies. Stress can affect our metabolism, sex drive, sleep quality, mood levels, and many more bodily functions!

To help maintain healthy stress levels (or have none at all), we recommend taking vitamin B complex. This vitamin consists of thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid, biotin, and cobalamins.

Research shows that B complex vitamins can improve our mood levels, sleep quality, and how our stress-related neurotransmitters form. We recommend taking a multivitamin that contains 40mg of vitamin B6 every morning.

2. Vitex

Women need to balance their hormones to help with mood levels, reproductive and skin health, and other aspects of their minds and bodies. Vitex agnus-castus is considered the “women’s herb” as it helps support female reproductive health, regulate menstrual cycles, and ease the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including pain, moodiness, bloating fluid retention, and irritability.

Vitex comes in various forms, whether tincture, powder, tea, capsules, or loose herbs. You can check reputable stores like that sell a variety of women’s supplements!

3. Silica

Silica is a naturally-occurring mineral in the body necessary for healthy skin, hair, and nails. When combined with vitamin C, silica will also support collagen production, a structural protein needed to form healthy cells.

By having enough silica in the body, women reap long-term beauty benefits such as shiny hair, strong nails, and supple skin. While you can consume this mineral through food like bananas, oats, and whole grains, supplements to take if you need a higher dose.

4. Iron

Many women suffer from low iron levels. As women lose blood during their menstrual cycles, they also lose iron. This results in weakness, impaired immunity, and fatigue – things busy women can’t suffer from!

To help with the lack of energy, you’ll need iron. Red meat, beans, and tofu are excellent sources of iron, but if you don’t get enough of it, you can also purchase supplements.

Wrapping It Up

While the vitamin and minerals mentioned are beneficial, check with your doctor to see if you can or need to take any of these supplements. Only take supplements after getting the signal from your medical professional!

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