
Warning Signs of Hernia 


A hernia appears when a part of an internal organ pushes through a weak spot in your muscle or tissue and creates a bulge on your outer skin. There are many types of hernias, and they can occur in various places on your body, such as inguinal, femoral, and umbilical hernia. 

Most hernias are not a threat to your health; however, if you spot one on your body, it is essential to consult a doctor and treat it. Some hernias may even cause complications and may need to be surgically removed with the help of a hernia surgeon in Astoria

Where Do Hernias Occur?

When checking your body for hernias, you should look at the most common spots where they occur. Common types of hernias are inguinal, femoral, hiatal, and umbilical hernias. Femoral and inguinal hernias can be found around your groin area; umbilical hernias occur around your navel, while hiatal ones are located between the stomach and the chest area. 

Hernias may also occur in other parts of the body in some cases. If you are unable to locate it, your doctor will be able to help you. 

Warning Signs That You Have A Hernia

The most prominent sign of having a hernia is a bulge on your body. However, sometimes it can be hard to notice as hernias can easily be pushed back in or disappear when you lie down. If you push it back while standing up, laughing, crying, or sneezing may push it back out. 

Here are a few common symptoms of hernia: 

  • Pain while lifting heavy objects.
  • Pain in the abdomen, pelvis, or testicles.
  • Abdominal and groin discomfort/tenderness
  • Pain at the site of the bulge.
  • Increase in size of the bulge.
  • Dull ache.

Hiatal hernias can have specific symptoms such as heartburn, chest pain, and trouble swallowing. Many hernia cases do not have symptoms unless they show up as a bulge on your skin. 

What Happens If I Leave My Hernia Untreated?

It can be unhealthy to leave your hernia untreated. While most hernias are harmless, exceptions are always there. Some hernias can grow to become larger and increase the number and effect of symptoms in your body. 

Complications of leaving a hernia untreated are as follows:

  • Hernias can cause a part of your intestine to get stuck in the abdominal wall, which can block the path of bowel movement in your body and cause severe consequences such as pain, nausea, and constipation. 
  • Once a portion of your intestines gets trapped in the abdominal wall, it may not receive enough blood flow, which can then cause the intestinal tissue to become infected and die. This is a life-threatening condition. 


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