
Weight, Wellness, and Obesity Management at Nova Physician Wellness Center


Nova Physician Wellness Center is an obesity and wellness center where people who are sick can get treatment and counseling for obesity. The center’s services are readily available at Fairfax, Ashburn, and Vienna, Virginia. The center’s goal is to help patients achieve healthy habits and promote their health. Led by Dr. Seema and Dr. Suri, the center has an outstanding staff that is dedicated and compassionate in the way they offer care to all their clients. Dr. Suri and Dr. Seema are specialists experienced in weight loss and are board-certified in obesity medicine, as well as family doctors. The specialists make individual treatment plans according to the uniqueness of each patient present and integrate necessary therapy accordingly.

The center provides a range of certified treatment services which include the following.

Pediatric Weight Loss

The wellness center has professional doctors experienced in pediatric weight management. The doctors assist clients in achieving and maintaining an overall healthy weight. 

Medical Weight Loss

The specialists at this center are broadly experienced with in-depth know-how of obesity medicine. They use customized methods of treatment to help you meet your weight loss goals. 

Weight Loss Counseling

The center offers weight-loss counseling that helps you determine certain health factors that impact your weight management. They execute weight loss counseling by carrying out individualized medical and physical examinations, nutrition training, and exercise plans. 

Weight Maintenance

Experts at Nova believe in a substantiated approach to help clients learn the best lifestyle changes for outstanding weight maintenance. 

Nutritional Counseling

The physician wellness center offers one-on-one, customized attention to personalizing diet recommendations based on unique factors like your weight, age, health history, and dietary preferences. 

Obesity Treatment

Dr. Suri, a specialist in obesity management at the physician wellness center, helps maintain a healthy weight by guiding you on your exercise and diet plans. 


The physician wellness center provides extensive wellness services to help you regain your state of health and attain your goals regardless of your age. 

Exercise Plans

Specialists at the wellness center help you achieve weight loss faster by implementing individualized exercise plans.

In Conclusion

The staff at the wellness center is experienced in weight and obesity management and provide high standard treatment and remedies. Obesity may be associated with health complications like heart disease, diabetes, and sleep apnea, hence the need for comprehensive care. They take a comprehensive approach to the healthcare of their patients. The physician wellness center focuses on your overall wellness and offers advanced testing which includes an integrated medical exam. 

Dr. Seema, being an obesity specialist and preventive medicine expert, aids patients in achieving wellness, a healthy weight, and reversing cardiovascular risks. Since doctor-supervised weight loss is most effective, Dr. Seema’s service yields remarkable and long-term results. He aims to emphasize and maintain a healthy lifestyle as per the center’s goal. Consider the Nova Physician Wellness services to help you attain your weight loss goals as they implement medically proven, effective, and safe methods to manage care delivery. 

With the physician wellness center, the health problems regarding wellness, weight loss, and obesity treatment are solved. To get more information and inquire about their services and schedules, please contact the center. They have provided their mobile contact on their website and have an online platform where you can send a message regarding consultation. The two modes of communication make this wellness center more reliable than other centers.


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