
What Are the Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation to Chronic Pain?


Chronic pain that does not respond to pain medication can be frustrating. It could lead you to opt for extreme measures like surgery. Sometimes, however, surgical procedures do nothing to alleviate pain. They may even worsen your symptoms. If this situation sounds familiar, it could be time to speak to your doctor about spinal cord stimulation in Colonia.

What Is Spinal Cord Stimulation?

In the United States, chronic pain is a leading cause of work absenteeism. Conditions such as neck and lower back pain can cause debilitating pain that disrupts normal life. Spinal cord stimulation therapy is an effective alternative treatment option for chronic pain.

It involves implanting a device that uses electrical impulses to block pain signals from reaching your brain. Most patients describe the feeling as a pleasant, tingling sensation.

Spinal cord stimulation has successfully been used to treat conditions such as:

  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)
  • Arachnoiditis
  • Failed back surgery syndrome (FBSS)
  • Spinal stenosis
  • Sciatica
  • Degenerative disc disease
  • Nerve root compression

How Does Spinal Cord Stimulation Work?

Spinal cord stimulation was approved for use in the United States in the late 1980s. Since then, both the practice and devices have evolved significantly. The therapy is now used to aid patients who have had little or no success with other pain treatment options.

A spinal cord stimulator is a small battery-powered device that delivers mild electric currents. It is implanted near the spine to block pain signals before they travel to the brain.

Unlike conventional treatments, spinal cord stimulation does not work to eliminate the source of your pain. Instead, it alters your brain’s perception of pain.

The implant often comes with an external remote control for making adjustments. 

Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation

Chronic pain plagues about 100 million adults in America. Conventional treatment approaches to this condition include medication, surgery, and physical therapy. SCS has been proven to work where these treatments have failed.

The most notable benefits of this therapy include:

  1. Trial Run

During your trial period, a temporary lead is placed over your nerves and attached to an external generator. You are then allowed to document your experience with several stimulation levels for the next 4 to 7 days. You can then decide whether or not you wish to go along with the procedure.

  1.     SCS Is Reversible

Unlike surgery, this procedure can be reversed at any time. Should you so wish, your provider can remove the stimulator with zero damage to your nerves or spine.

  1. Treatment Is Adjustable

Spinal cord stimulators have remote controls. These controllers allow you to adjust the settings of your stimulator like the level of stimulus.

Other advantages include:

  •   Reduced drug useSCS reduces your level of pain. This, in turn, minimizes your need for drugs, especially opioids, which can be addictive.
  •       Few side effects – Minor discomfort during the initial procedure. This usually subsides in a few days. 
  • Relatively cost-effective
  • Minimally invasive procedure
  •   Offers a targeted approach to pain relief
  •   Long-lasting

Wrapping Up

The SamWell Institute for Pain Management offers spinal cord stimulation for ideal candidates. If you are suffering from restrictive pain that is disrupting your life, make an appointment with Dr. Jay M. Shah. During your initial consultation, you should be able to find out if you qualify for the therapy.


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