
5 Tricks to Stick to Your Intermittent Fasting


Intermittent Fasting (IF) is the new popular diet plan for the health conscious people. This plan is super effective but it is not easy at all to follow this diet plan. To know the answer, you must know what is IF. This fasting has 16:8 ratio proportions. In this diet plan you can take your food from 12 pm to 8 pm only in a day. It means you can have your food only between these 8 hours of time. On other 16 hours that means from 8 pm to 12 pm, you cannot eat anything. But you can eat whatever you want in between 12 pm to 8 pm. So, you now know why it is very difficult to stick into this diet plan. But there are simple tricks to follow this tough diet plan. 

Manage Timing: 

Managing your time is the toughest thing in this diet plan. After taking your dinner you can plan to sleep around 11 pm and can sleep for 9 hours. With that you can watch television so that you don’t feel hungry; in this way, this diet plan becomes a habit. 

Mindful Eating:

You should eat porridge, eggs, sweet potatoes, yoghurt etc. to fill up your stomach. These foods will always make up your mind in various ways. 

Keep Yourself Busy: 

When we are busy we tend to forget some hard things in mind. So, it’s important to keep your mind busy with work or with your favorite hobby. 

Taking more liquid:

From 8 pm to 12 pm you can take more liquids like water, black tea, soup, black coffee or green tea. This will keep you hydrated and make sure that you don’t feel hungry at all. 

Follow Routine with Firm mind-set: 

It is advisable to follow up this intermittent fasting diet plan with the help of a routine and firm mindset. It’s up to you whether you want to lose weight by this diet plan or want to choose something else. 

Crash diets are never good for health, but sometimes there is the urgency to lose body weight. In that case one can have some pre-fasting bars which are eggless, sugar free. This item can ease your IF plan.  

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