
Achieve a Dazzling Smile With a Smile Makeover

Smile makeover treatment in Ahmedabad helps to fix the teeth and gums of an individual delivering them a beautiful smile.

Everyone secretly desires to have a natural vibrant smile that brightens the room. However, several dental flaws make it difficult to have that smile.  If you wish to have an aesthetically appealing smile, 286 Madison Dental offers smile makeovers in Midtown that can make your dreams come true.

What Is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover is a cosmetic technique that corrects your dental flaws, transforming your smile. The professional team offers customized smile makeovers to ensure that you have a unique experience while meeting your beauty goals and expectations. The team begins by conducting a thorough dental exam and meticulously cleans your mouth to get it ready for a smile makeover procedure. After the exam, they design a personalized smile makeover that addresses all your flaws to enhance your smile and make it more appealing. The skilled team at 286 Madison Dental understands that a smile tells a lot about a person, which makes it a paramount goal for them to unlock your most charming smile.

What Does a Smile Makeover Include?

 A smile makeover can consist of the following:

  • Dental veneers
  • Dental implants
  • Gum reshaping
  • Teeth whitening
  • Tooth bonding
  •  Invisalign
  • Crowns
  • Bridges
  • Tooth-colored fillings
  • Inlays and Onlays
  • Crown lengthening

During your appointment, the team educates you on the available options and helps you to select a combination of options that bring out the best smile in you. They value your opinions and respect your goals and expectations to ensure that you go home confident and satisfied.

What Should You Expect During a Smile Makeover?

After performing your dental exam, the team at 286 Madison Dental discusses the steps involved in a smile makeover. If they notice an untreated gum disease or tooth decay, they may address such issues before proceeding to your smile makeover. The first step to achieving an aesthetically appealing smile is being positive and having pragmatic expectations. Fortunately, 286 Madison Dental has imaging programs that portray a visual of the appearance of your smile after undergoing all the necessary treatments. If it does not fully meet your expectations, you can inform your doctor. You are also free to ask questions about your smile makeover, and the team will answer them faithfully.

How Long Does a Smile Makeover Take?

Some smile makeovers may take longer than others, depending on your dental needs and the number of procedures you need. Some cosmetic procedures may need ample time for preparation and a short healing period. For instance, when placing dental implants, your doctor may extract the problematic teeth before replacing them with implants. Reconstructive procedures such as inlays/onlays and veneers don’t take long. The team may recommend gum reshaping before getting dental veneers or a crown, which may take your gums a few weeks to heal before proceeding to the following procedure.

Do not allow your crooked teeth to distort your smile when numerous cosmetic procedures can give you an appealing smile. For more information about a smile makeover, call 286 Madison Dental or schedule an online appointment.

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