
Advantages of Root Canal


As a patient, you may feel less enthusiastic when your dentist recommends getting a root canal. Root canals have developed a shady reputation over the past few years, and people often think of pain when they hear of a root canal. Contrary to this, a root canal presents a viable solution to your endless pain. It comes in handy when you constantly experience pain resulting from an infected or inflamed pulp. The pulp is found in the middle of your tooth and is characterized by high sensitivity. When your tooth decay goes deep enough, it can cause infection in the pulp, and the only auction is for a dentist to extract the pulp and disinfect the tooth to prevent a tooth extraction in the future. This article looks up some of the benefits you get to enjoy from root canals in Houston and why it might be a great option after all. Read on for more.

  • They Help Stop Infections

As mentioned previously, a dentist will only recommend a root canal if you have an existing infection or you risk developing an infection due to extensive tooth decay. During the early stages of tooth decay, it only affects the enamel, which is the hard outer layer of your tooth. As it develops, it goes deeper and may finally reach the soft and tender middle part of your tooth, known as the pulp. If it develops an infection, you can only have it treated by getting a root canal.

Although it may sound a bit intense, you can almost compare it to a filling, except that a dentist has to remove the pulp in the case of a root canal. In most cases, you will need a dental crown after a root canal to provide more protection for your tooth.

  • It Stops Pain

You feel the pain and throbbing in your tooth because of an infection in the pulp. This part of the tooth links to sensitive nerves and blood vessels. By linking to the blood vessels, it is easier for the infection to spread bacteria and cause pain. While many people think the root canal hurts, it offers a solution to the pain by getting rid of the infection.

  • It Preserves Your Natural Tooth

In the decades gone by, pulling out an infected tooth was the only solution. However, root canals now present an option that allows you to preserve your natural tooth. Tooth preservation offers many different benefits since losing even a single tooth can lead to many other issues, such as shifting teeth. Due to the gap resulting from a missing tooth, the neighboring teeth lose their support and lean towards the space. Shifting teeth can lead to many other risks, and preserving your natural tooth presents one of the essential benefits of root canal treatments.

Other advantages associated with root canal treatment include the prevention of infection, good jawbone health, reduced tooth sensitivity, and a more natural smile.

To summarise, a root canal is an effective solution to an infected bug that causes toothache and pain. It comes with many different advantages, such as putting an end to the infection and the pain. Unlike pulling the infected tooth, a root canal allows you to preserve your natural tooth helping contribute to better jawbone health and maintaining your natural smile.

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