
Aesthetic Surgery Center Face Neck Lift


In some people, the neck and face are the first areas to uncover their increasing age. Their neck develops saggy skin, excess fat mounts on it to form a double chin, and tight bands develop in some areas to make the skin lose its tone. For others who have accomplished a significant weight loss, their skin loses the elasticity that results in an older neck appearance. Aesthetic Surgery Center can help restore a youthful neck appearance with their face & neck lift in San Francisco.

What is a face neck lift?

A face neck lift is a surgical technique designed to specifically enhance the appearance of your neck, modify and lift saggy skin and reshape the jawline. There are various neck lift options, all of which are designed to assist in recontouring the skin on your neck and face, make the underlying muscles and tissues tighter, and get rid of excess skin.

Every neck lift procedure, when utilized in the right way, results in long-lasting and reliable outcomes. The youthful appearance of your neck can be restored by reversing the visible effects of aging.

Who is a good candidate for a face neck lift?

Excellent candidates for a neck lift procedure include women and men who are in a stable weight after a major weight loss, in good physical form, and healthy. Individuals who are psychologically unprepared for the surgery, patients with untreated or multiple medical problems, and smokers are not good candidates for a neck lift.

A neck lift can be a very empowering and rewarding experience but should be conducted for the right reasons and at the right time, by board-certified plastic surgeons. Ideal candidates for the procedure should be emotionally stable, have the support of their family and close friends, and have an understanding of the procedure they are considering.

What happens during a face neck lift procedure?

A neck lift surgery is executed in an operating room under intravenous sedation or general anesthesia for optimal safety, control, and comfort. Your surgeon will make incisions below your chin, often behind the ears. If you also want a facelift, incisions will begin in front of your ear in a natural furrow and extend to the bottom of your earlobe before going behind the ear to reach your neck.

Liposuction is done to permanently eliminate excess fat under the chin and from the neck. Then, the neck skin is gently lifted off the entrenched structures under a surgical magnifying glass to protect delicate nerves and blood vessels. The neck muscles are then repositioned and shaped to create a more youthful outline to the jawline.

The final outcome of a neck lift is a youthful, natural, and toned neck that reflects an energetic and youthful person that you are.

How Long does neck lift results last?

The results of the procedure will last forever. However, you will continue to age normally after any type of face neck lift. In the future, you will still look younger than if you did not get a neck lift, but you will never look abnormal, overdone, or tight. Long-term follow up with your surgeon will allow ongoing assessment of your outcome.

To learn more about face neck lift surgery, contact Aesthetic Surgery Center today by calling our office number or booking an appointment online.


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