
Compassionate Minimally Invasive Surgery Specialist in Nevada


With the recent advancements in medicine and science, most gynecological surgeries are currently minimally invasive and performed with robotic assistance. Dr. Darin Swainston, MD, FACOG, has a diverse experience performing safe and effective minimally invasive surgeries across Nevada. This procedure is relatively smooth and allows patients to recover more quickly and with enhanced cosmetics than conventional invasive procedures. To get started, schedule an appointment with the Las Vegas minimally invasive surgery specialist today by calling the office or book online.

What is Robotic-Assisted Gynecological Surgery?

During this surgery, Dr. Swainston uses a video-guided surgical robot with enhanced precision to let him finish surgery using very few and small incisions instead of the conventional single but large incision.

The certified surgeon controls the robotic system with a PC or bedside console and can view magnified and highly-detailed images of the operation area despite the small size of the incisions. This procedure results in less blood loss, enhanced precision, and a smooth and quick recovery period for patients.

Which Surgical Options are Available Using the Robotic-Assisted Surgery System?

Dr. Swainston performs several robotic-assisted surgeries designed to offer optimal patient safety and comfort. These surgical options include:

  •   Ovarian Cystectomy- complete or partial removal of the tumors or ovarian cysts.
  •   Hysterectomy- removing the uterus, and at times the cervix.
  • Abdominal sacrocolpopexy- repairing the ligaments, muscles, and tissues that keep the vagina intact.
  • Myomectomy- removing the uterine fibroids.
  • Endometriosis resection- removal of any implant linked to the endometriosis while preserving the fallopian tubes, uterus, and ovaries.
  • Uterosacral vaginal vault suspension- repairing the uterine and vaginal prolapse.
  • Lysis of adhesions- removing any scar tissue surrounding the reproductive organs.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Robotic-Assisted Surgeries?

Every surgery comes with a risk, whether non-invasive or invasive. There is a possible risk of patients developing complications from anesthesia or a particular procedure, but this usually varies from one patient to another. To avoid such complications, an extensive review of the patient’s medical records is crucial. 

With robotic-assisted surgery, some of these risks are reduced. These include developing pneumonia, wound infection, excessive blood loss, or blood clotting. Also, patients can benefit from a quicker recovery that is less painful.

How Many Follow-Up Visits Does One Need?

Since robotic-assisted surgery is non-invasive, it offers patients quick recovery time. Therefore, most will only need 1 or 2 follow-up visits at specified intervals after surgery.

Who Is The Right Candidate for Robotic-Assisted Surgeries?

If you have any condition that can be treated using robotic-assisted surgeries and good health to withstand surgery, you are eligible for this procedure. In some instances, morbid obesity or aging might disqualify one from this procedure. But this is not only for robotic-assisted surgeries as it applies even to conventional surgical procedures.

In conclusion, the office of Darin Swainston, MD, FACOG features experienced and certified OB/GYN specialists. They incorporate a wide range of advanced technologies and techniques to enhance and optimize women’s health across all ages. Besides, they are quite compassionate and strive to create a smooth patient experience for all. Request an appointment for a minimally invasive surgery today by calling the office or booking online.

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