
Defy the Aging Process With a Brow Lift


As you age, your eyebrows may begin to droop, making it difficult for you to open your eyes. Droopy eyelids also affect your natural beauty, causing you to appear older than you are. If you are wanting to defy the aging process and achieve a more youthful look, Scarsdale brow lift specialist, Robert M. Schwarcz, MD, can help, as a brow lift will raise droopy eyelids to their original position to make it easier to open your eyes. This procedure also enhances your facial appearance, boosting your confidence in the process.

What is a brow lift?

A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure that raises your eyebrows to improve your facial appearance and restore your youthful look. This procedure also reverses the signs of aging, resulting in a rejuvenated and refreshed appearance. You might also go for a brow lift to correct sagging brows that make it difficult to open your eyes. Dr. Schwarcz will help you accomplish your beauty goals by ensuring that you maintain a subtle and well-rested look after your brow lift procedure. You may also consider taking an eyelid blepharoplasty surgery in conjunction with a brow lift to achieve excellent results. The brow lift will blend with your specific facial features to enhance them and avoid any abnormal appearance.

What happens during a brow lift procedure?

A brow lift, also known as forehead rejuvenation, is a surgical procedure conducted under local anesthesia to numb the treated area and help prevent pain or discomfort. Before the procedure, the doctor reviews your medical history to determine if you are eligible for a brow lift. He will also discuss your expectations at the initial consultation. When performing the brow lift, Dr. Schwarcz creates small incisions along your hairline. He then inserts an endoscope into the incisions to view the tissue and muscles beneath. The next step involves lifting your forehead skin to an appropriate level. Your eyebrows may also receive a lift to a higher level using temporary screws or sutures to create a more refreshed look. In short, a brow lift corrects sagging eyebrows, forehead creases, wrinkles, and fine lines that may hide your natural beauty. Just be sure you arrange for someone to pick you up after the procedure.

 What happens after a brow lift?

It may take ten days for initial recovery to begin. At that time, Dr. Schwarcz will remove your sutures to make sure the healing process continues on smoothly. While you may notice temporary swelling and bruises that resolve on their own after a few days, you can minimize the swelling by sleeping on a comfortable pillow for about four weeks. You may also experience numbness or headaches following the procedure, while your new youthful look will be noticeable in approximately six months. The use of medications during your healing can help you deal with pain as you wait for your new looks to manifest, with Dr. Schwarcz, being the professional cosmetic surgeon he is, guaranteeing excellent results with minimal scarring.

Wrinkles, forehead creases, and droopy eyelids can significantly affect your self-esteem. If sagging eyebrows are making it difficult for you to open your eyes, call Dr. Schwarcz or schedule an appointment online to learn how a brow lift can rejuvenate your looks.

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