
Find Out If You Are A Good Candidate for A Facelift 


As we age, our face loses collagen production, which is an essential ingredient for giving our skin a youthful and plump look. Many people start disliking how they look and lose confidence because of having dull and sagging facial skin. Facelift procedures have become a popular way of getting rid of this problem and getting the youthful skin back. 

Thanks to advances in the cosmetic surgery world, older people can now bring back their lost confidence with a Toronto facelift surgery. The procedure makes people look younger and energized, with natural results too. However, such surgeries are not suitable for everyone.

Good candidates for facelift surgery:

  • People who have overall good physical health. 

For any surgery, it is recommended that the candidate is in good health. Like other surgeries, facelift surgery can be complex and requires a period of healing time before you can return to your normal life. The healthier you are, the earlier you can heal and get back to your life. If you have certain health conditions, consult your doctor about whether it would be a good choice to go through the surgery. 

  • People who are committed to good skin. 

While a facelift is a one-time, easy and quick solution to your old and saggy face skin, it is still essential that you take care of it post-surgery. Taking care of your skin is important after getting a facelift to make the surgery results last longer. If you do not take skincare seriously, a facelift would be just a waste of money. 

  • People with good skin conditions. 

When you consider getting a facelift, make sure that your skin still has some elasticity and bounce to it. If you have a poor skin condition, it decreases your ability to heal quickly after the surgery. You can practice certain lifestyle changes to improve your skin condition before going through surgery. 

  • People who do not smoke. 

Smoking can affect your body during and after the surgery. If you are a regular smoker, it can decrease your body’s ability to heal faster and make you prone to more bleeding and discomfort during the surgery. Smoking also impairs blood circulation to the affected areas, interfering with the healing process. 

  • People with realistic expectations of the surgery. 

When you get cosmetic surgery, you must have realistic expectations from it. A facelift is supposed to minus years from your face. The surgery is guaranteed to remove the wrinkles, fine lines, and other signs of aging from your face; however, you cannot expect to look like a celebrity after the procedure. Remember that you are still going to look like yourself. 

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