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Interesting Facts About Chemical Peels


Taking care of your skin is important, especially as you get older. If you haven’t been doing enough, a chemical peel may give you the chance to start over and care for your skin. With the help of a board-certified professional like Dr. Kenneth Thompson, chemical peel treatments can help you reduce the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and acne scars. The treatment is available for almost everyone and may improve the way you look and feel. Keep reading to learn a few interesting facts about chemical peels.

1.      There Are Different Intensities

Chemical peel solutions are not all the same. There are no one-size-fits-all solutions, and different peels are appropriate for different people. Light chemical peels are great for superficial blemishes, and deeper options can eliminate fine lines and wrinkles. 

The recovery period for medium and deep peels is longer than for light chemical peels. The solution used in medium peels soaks deeper than light chemical peels. It may be safe for use on your neck and hands.  

Deep chemical peels remove a few skin layers. They are the right option when you need to treat uneven color, deep wrinkles, and pre-cancerous growths. You only get one deep skin peel in your life. 

Light chemical peels only remove a surface layer from your skin. They heal within seven days and may take less than 30 minutes. When you get a medium chemical peel, you may remain red and swollen for a few days. After 7 to 14 days, your skin will turn brown and peel off. With deep chemical peels, you need a bandage on your face for some time. It may take up to three weeks to heal. Deep chemical peels are the most costly, and light chemical peels are the most affordable. 

2.      The Results Are Visible

The results of a chemical peel are noticeable. Whether you choose a light or deep chemical peel, your skin will improve significantly. The idea that you have to wait a long time to see the results is false. Sometimes, you can see the results after just one treatment. 

3.      Promote the Production of Collagen

Collagen is an essential building block for healthy skin. Getting regular chemical peels can help your skin produce more collagen and look healthy and radiant. 

4.      It Does Not Hurt

Even though it is common to experience some tightness or tingling after a chemical peel procedure, it does not hurt. If you experience too much pain or discomfort, speak to your aesthetician about it. After the procedure, it is common to experience irritation, increased sensitivity, or discomfort. Drink lots of water to ease the problem. 

5.      It Is Not Just for Those with Skin Problems

Even though chemical peels are great for people with problematic skin, they may also be good for anyone who simply wishes to improve their skin. 

In conclusion, the benefits of chemical peels include treating acne scars, sun spots, and wrinkles. There are different types of chemical peels to suit different needs.  


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