Health Care

Physio for Lower Back Pain.  


When seeking relief from lower back pain, painkillers at first can seem like the quickest and easiest solution, however the longer you take painkillers the less effective they become, and as a result, your lower back pain can return, increase, and eventually, you could find yourself suffering once again. There is also a strong possibility that continuous use of painkillers will cause greater damage to your lower back and lead to long-term lower back pain issues.

Lower back pain issues are not uncommon, it can affect people who don’t exercise frequently, spend long hours in front of a desk, have high intensity, repetitive, physical jobs, or even those who exercise daily. Basically, lower back pain can affect anyone, at any time, and if left unchecked can become a serious issue that can have a negative effect on your daily life. 

A sensible way of solving issues with your lower back is with physio, or a program of physical therapy, featuring exercises specifically designed to relieve lower back pain and the trauma and debilitation that lower back pain can bring. Physio for lower back pain can range from simple daily exercises to a concentrated programme designed to strengthen the body’s natural muscle support system.

Dynamic stabilization exercises involve a range of physio that might include exercise balls, balancing machines, or specific exercises designed to strengthen secondary muscles in the spine. The intense physio programme will result in an increase of muscle support for the spine, and a decrease in the chance of lower back pain becoming a reoccurring chronic issue.

Core strengthening exercises are designed to strengthen your abs and lower back muscles, this specialized and personalised programme of physio exercise, will provide you with a ‘belt of muscle’ around the spine and decrease the risk of long-term lower back pain. Many of the exercises designed to strengthen your abs and lower back can be carried out at home without too much fuss or the need for expensive equipment, carrying these out along with your specialized physio programme will likely go a long way to solving your lower back pain issues.

Some of these at-home exercises include sit-ups, crunches, planks, leg raises, or extensions such as raising the chest of the ground, which engages the lower back muscles to hyper-extend the spine. However, it’s essential to remember that before you begin any long-term exercise programme please consult a professional for guidance, as they can devise an individual programme of physio designed to strengthen your lower back and free you of any lower back pain.

Further specialised programmes can include water-based exercises, helping to minimize gravity & bodyweight, these exercises are particularly useful for people facing long-term physio rehabilitation, older people suffering from lower back pain, or those who are differently-abled. Exercise programs of this nature will be designed by specialized professionals and should not be attempted without the aid of an expert.

To find out more information regarding what physio programme will offer you the best support and rid you of any long-term lower back pain, contact us here.

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