
Replacement of teeth with a seamless process


The effects of missing teeth extend beyond aesthetics. Simple activities like speaking and chewing might become problematic when your smile has gaps. Additionally, missing teeth can cause other teeth to shift, alter the jaw’s bone density, and even age the face by emphasizing wrinkles and creases. Even though developing new teeth is not possible, dental restorations or appliances can fill the gaps and improve oral health.

Your smile is the first thing anyone notices, so make it count. Consult trustworthy Cosmetic dentistry in North Ogden, UT, if you are seeking a way to achieve that celebrity smile. 

Dental Implants

Dentists surgically implant metal or porcelain supports where the tooth’s root once was. The replacement tooth is kept stable and firmly in place by these posts, which function similarly to the roots of healthy teeth. The artificial tooth is expertly constructed to resemble your real teeth in size and color. Like a natural tooth, dental implants feel and perform the same!

Dental implants can replace a single tooth, many teeth, or even a wide grin! Dental implants can be used to anchor dentures firmly. To receive an implant, a patient must be in generally good condition, have the sufficient bone density to sustain the implant, and be willing to commit to a strict oral hygiene regimen. If dental implants are appropriate, your dentist can make that determination.

Advantages of dental implants:

  • Extremely comparable to how a natural tooth works
  • Implant placement does not affect neighboring teeth.
  • Lasts for several years
  • Assists in preventing the jawbone from losing more bone

Fixed Bridges

A bridge may replace one or more missing teeth. The teeth on either side of the gap are given crowns and attached to the bridge using a bond or cement. The best support for the bridge can be provided by natural teeth, thanks to crowns. To match the color of your natural teeth, your dentists can create porcelain and ceramic bridges. Other typical materials used to construct bridges include gold and alloys.

Cleaning a bridge requires more effort than cleaning natural teeth because dentists can only remove permanent bridges. Patients with bridges must brush their teeth after every meal to keep their mouths clean and healthy. Cleaning beneath the bridge is simple, thanks to water flossers, interdental brushes, and floss threaders. Advantages of fixed bridges:

  • Generally performs and feels the same as a natural tooth.
  • can be made to seem like your actual teeth
  • more affordable than dental implants

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