
Restore Your Sexual Wellness with Vaginal Revitalization


Sexual wellness is often not taken into account as part of general wellness, but it is vital to discuss it when addressing your overall health. If you’re looking for a solution to vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, or low libido, vaginal revitalization might be the solution. If you need a consultation session for vaginal revitalization in Santa Monica, Modern Aesthetica should be your ultimate choice.

What is vaginal revitalization?

Hormonal fluctuations, childbirth by natural means, and weakened vaginal muscles due to age can result in vaginal laxity. Vaginal laxity can significantly affect your sex drive, which may in turn diminish sexual intimacy with your partner. You are also likely to experience vaginal issues during post-menopause due to reduced estrogen production leading to a condition known as vaginal atrophy. Vaginal atrophy usually causes vaginal dryness and thinning or loss of elasticity of your vaginal tissues. Modern Aesthetica offers a non-invasive treatment known as O-Shot that revitalizes your vagina, restoring your sexual self-esteem. The O-shot comprises platelet-rich plasma (PRP), an injection containing a high concentration of platelets that rejuvenate your vagina. The team at Modern Aesthetica has been through special training on how to administer O-shot and end your discomfort. Dr. Moghadam uses Platelet-rich plasma in vaginal revitalization to promote the regeneration of vaginal tissues and accelerate your healing process. PRP also accelerates collagen production that strengthens your vaginal tissues making them more elastic.

How can you know if you’re eligible for vaginal revitalization?

The caring team at Modern Aesthetica first conducts a comprehensive physical exam to determine if you’re eligible for vaginal revitalization. You may consider making an appointment if you’re experiencing the following:

  • Urinary incontinence
  • Chronic vaginal pain
  • Low libido
  • A decline in your ability to orgasm

The O-Shot vaginal revitalization treatment also addresses lichen sclerosis, a condition that instigates the development of white patches around your genitalia. If your vaginal concerns are lowering your ability to live your life to the fullest, visit Modern Aesthetica for vaginal rejuvenation.

How can you benefit from vaginal revitalization?

You may desire to restore your vaginal elasticity, eliminate the white patches around your genitalia, or correct stress urinary incontinence, and this is where vaginal revitalization saves the day. The results of a vaginal rejuvenation procedure may vary, but most women experience:

  • Increase in libido
  • Improved lubrication
  • Enhanced orgasms
  • Improved arousal
  • Diminished vaginal pain
  • Enhanced sexual self-esteem

Some women report that vaginal revitalization also moderates stress urinary incontinence.

What happens during a vaginal revitalization procedure?

Dr. Moghadam and his team at Modern Aesthetica offer in-office O-Shot injections for vaginal rejuvenation. Before the procedure, he uses a special cream to numb the vaginal tissues to prevent discomfort. Afterward, the team takes a small sample of blood to prepare the PRP injection. He then injects the PRP into the clitoris which begins to rejuvenate and revitalize the vaginal tissues. After the procedure, Dr. Moghadam may provide a set of instructions, including the appropriate time to get back to your sex life.

For more information about vaginal revitalization and its benefits, call Dr. Moghadam or book your spot online.

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