
The 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing a UV Mask


“Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account,” said Anne Wilson Schaef, American clinical psychologist and author. Her book When Society Becomes an Addict, in which she compared Western culture to an active alcoholic, made the New York Times bestseller list and was nominated for Best Political Book of the Year.

Most of the experts agree that wearing a UV-filtered mask can protect people’s health and also it can slow the spread of COVID-19. This is because the Coronavirus transmits through the respiratory droplets that get into the air when we sneeze, cough, or even by speaking. The UV mask will work as a barrier and will protect you from any infected droplets.

Here are 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Wearing a UV Mask.


  1. The first and the most important thing to do before wearing a mask is to wash your hands. Well, if anyhow you are not able to wash your hands then you can use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol because alcohol can prevent you from many harmful bacteria.
  2. Now when you have worn the mask then make sure that the mask should properly cover your mouth and nose, and it can easily fit from your face to chin.
  3. Try to get a mask the can easily fit, UV mask is very comfortable and they are easy to adjust according to your face.
  4. Always remember to maintain social distancing, but in any situation, if you can’t maintain distance then try to cover your face with the mask.
  5. In this pandemic situation, everyone needs to wear a mask no matter if they don’t feel sick. When we meet different people then we don’t know that the other person is infected or not. Wear a mask to protect others and yourself too.


  1. One thing to remember is that do not put the mask on a child of age less than 2 years. Well, if you put a mask on a kid then it will give them trouble in breathing and they will not able to remove the mask without any help.
  2. Instead of wearing the mask many people just put the mask around their neck, just to show the formality. It’s not a formality but a precaution.
  3. Don’t touch the area of the mask that covers your mouth, instead of that chose the ties or ear loops if you do not have clean hands.
  4. Do not use surgical masks or N95 masks because they are required for health care workers. Better to use the UV face mask, as it filters every bad impurity and provides you clean air.
  5. If you are an athlete like a sprinter or swimmer do not wear a mask while you are participating in activities.

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