
Everything You Need To Understand About Teeth Whitening


Cosmetic dental care solutions are pivotal in making you have a beautiful smile. It transforms the appearance of your teeth in such a way that you end up having a lot of confidence when mingling with people. Teeth whitening is one procedure that is key in cosmetic dentistry. Through it, discoloration of teeth will not worry you any longer. As a Virginian in Bristow, there are professional teeth whitening centers that you can approach and get help. These Bristow Teeth Whitening specialists understand which methods to follow in meeting your needs. There are many aspects that you may not know about teeth whitening. Here are some of them.

Teeth Discoloration Vs. Age

As you get older, some changes take place in the structures of the teeth. One of them is the breaking of the enamel part of the teeth. This gradual wearing results in more visibility of the underneath yellow dentin. More visibility of the layer, the more discolored the teeth become. This process is natural and happens gradually. A teeth whitening procedure, in this case, may involve the fitting of an artificial crown.

Factors Contributing to Teeth Discoloration

Different aspects propagate the change of color in teeth. Some of them include oral trauma, tobacco use, chewing khat, and medication with tetracycline. At times, drinks with tannins could cause problems. Observing a high level of oral hygiene is significant in reducing the possibility of teeth discoloration.

Teeth Whitening Procedure

The procedure can make your teeth four to eight times brighter, and this is in one session. Before the process starts, there is proper coverage of other mouthparts apart from the teeth. The protective dam usually is perfectly fitted around the gums and tongue. From here, there is an application of the whitening solution.

The team allows it to soak into the teeth structure for a period of ten to fifteen minutes. Afterward, it creates a bleaching action through illuminating blue light on the teeth’ surface. The procedure is so effective that it removes the stains and any discoloration. Your dentist will do the procedure again and again till the attainment of the shade of white is much-desired.

How Long Does the Effect Last?

Many think that the teeth whitening procedure brings about permanent results. The truth is, the effect can last between four to six months most of the time. There are times when this could last longer. Have a discussion with your doctor on what can extend the whitening effect more. What you will notice is that being consistent with observing high hygienic standards is significant.

Hygienic standards include doing regular teeth brushing and flossing. You ought to also adopt the culture of going for professional teeth cleaning services within six months. Also, refraining from or reducing the consumption of dark-colored drinks such as black tea and coffee is beneficial.

Teeth discoloration is something that can lower confidence whenever making a smile. Fortunately, there is a solution in cosmetic dentistry services such as teeth whitening. The process is usually accurate and time-saving. Even after the procedure, there is a need to continue observing high dental hygiene standards. Such efforts prolong the whitening effect.

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