
Interesting Facts about Dental Implants


Teeth are essential for a good smile and appearance. However, due to certain circumstances such as old age or decay, we may lose teeth at some point in our lives. These teeth do not grow back again in adults leaving the only option to be restorative procedures. One of the main ones is dental implants. They are a more permanent solution since they do not decay and have a natural appearance. Dr. Maham Siddiqui is a qualified dentist who deals with dental implants and other teeth maintenance procedures. Book an appointment today.

Below are some facts that might interest you about tooth implants:

Dental implants are roots.

People have a common misconception thinking that dental implants are similar to porcelain crowns. Well, this is absolutely not the case. They have a screw shape and are placed inside the jaw to hold the dental work you will prefer to replace your lost teeth. The two procedures do not happen at the same time. The bone surrounding the artificial root has to be given time to grow before any other work can be done.

Implants are a low-risk procedure.

According to records from past procedures, dental implants have a success rate of more than 95 percent. This means that the operation has had no complications, almost 100 percent of the time. Patients might experience problems due to certain health conditions or old age, but it is very rare. Swelling after implant and bruising is also minimal.

Aftercare is very easy.

After the procedure, you will have an easy time before you achieve full healing. All you have to do is rinse saltwater about three times a day to keep the mouth clean and avoid infection. Additionally, you may be required to take soft foods that will not damage the implants. Also, the food you eat must not be too hot or too cold, especially for those who are oversensitive. The doctor might prescribe pain-relieving medicine to ease discomfort.

Implants are stronger

Natural teeth might experience cavities or lose bite strength as age progresses. However, this is not the case with dental implants. They help the patient regain bite strength and are more resistant to decay. This is because they are made of titanium, a long-lasting, and very strong material.

They serve more than just cosmetic purposes.

Dental implants help to restore a missing tooth and improve appearance. However, they are more than just good looks. Dental implants improve speech and offer increased comfort to the patient. They also have an additional benefit since they don’t have to be taken out from time to time.

Most companies cover the cost.

Insurance companies cater to a fraction of most cosmetic procedure costs. Therefore, the patient is forced to dig into their pockets and pay for the rest of the amount, which could be expensive. Luckily, insurances cater for the full cost of dental implants.

If you have lost one or more teeth and require a restorative procedure, dental implants might be the permanent solution you require. SPA Dental Group specialists offer all dental procedures, including cleaning and preventive care. Book an appointment today to regain your lost bright smile. 

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